Thursday, April 10, 2008

When the biggest planner plans...

Very often our future is not what we had planned for. Many who can’t make it through competitions go into deep depression to the extent of taking extreme steps like committing suicide? Even small school going students have a tremendous pressure to perform. Despite all efforts, if they don’t get through, it is not a failure. As my father often says, ‘not getting through something is not a failure. Failure is when you give up’.

If internationally renowned author and motivational guru Shiv Khera had given up when he failed in his exams in tenth standard or when he was struggling to succeed as an executive in many organisations in USA and Canada, he would never have reached where he is today.

We must make our best efforts but if things still don’t go as we plan, it is an indication that some one else is planning for us… And nothing can go wrong when the biggest Planner plans… Certain people are selected by Almighty to do something different. When even the best of human plans seem to be failing we need to look up for the hints and the signals… Maybe we are selected for things way beyond our imagination… He can see what we can not, and we have to follow His wish… It maybe some times difficult to see what He wants us to do, but a serious thought or observation often shows us the path. The signals may be instant or delayed depending on when He wants certain things to happen in our lives, but He loves all his creation and chooses the best path for us.
So, when the biggest planner plans, we just have to follow His signals and wait for the miracles He has planned for us...

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